
Meet Hazel! Hazel is approximately 2 year old, and is thought to be a German Shepherd mix girl. Her coat is a gorgeous caramel brindle and so very soft. Miss Hazel joined HOPE on 11/04/2022 and we are looking forward to learning more about her as she progresses with her training.

Hazel spent about a year with Canine Rescue of Central PA. She did not spark a lot of interest from potential adopters, but the volunteers at the rescue just love her! She is an active girl who loves going for walks, playing with toys, especially her purple egg, which as you can see she likes taking everywhere, and pretty much any activity that involves being outside! If you’re an active family looking for a furry family member, Hazel might be your girl!

If you're interested in adopting Hazel, please review her future home requirements, and if you think your home would suit her needs, click that "Apply to Adopt Hazel" button below!


-Hazel NEEDS to be an only pet, and therefore will NOT be adopted into a home with another dog, cat, or other small animals.

-Hazel is a HIGH ENERGY dog, and plays VERY HARD. This is something we’ve worked on during her time in HOPE, and while her possessive behavior with toys has improved, we would not be comfortable adopting Hazel into a home with young kids.

-Hazel would love if her family got her enrolled in some sort of dog sport, like agility. She needs an active family that will provide her with daily exercise, beyond a walk around the block. This girl would LOVE hiking and climbing rough terrain with you!

Hazel is sponsored by Central Pennsylvania Animal Alliance, CPAA, and her adoption fee is $300.

Apply to Adopt Hazel


Hazel had a visitor on Monday!  We were out in the play yard, where she was happily ignoring me in favor of eating grass! Since we had already gone for our walk, where she carried her yellow Jolly Egg the entire time, she had no use for me anymore. Then, all of a sudden, a car pulled up next to the play yard.  Hazel wandered over to the gate, holding her egg, and slowly wagging her tail. Then the car door opened and the wagging stopped for about half a nanosecond and then IMMEDIATELY burst into jumping around and wags going a million miles per hour!  It was Dave!!! One of her favorite handlers from the Program!!! Hazel and Dave played a lot, they even did some training together too. I haven't seen Hazel this happy since the first time I showed up at the kennel to visit her after dropping her off. 

Luckily for this girl, she's got visitors lining up to come see her next week, and hopefully they'll continue every week until we find her forever home.  I hope that time comes sooner, rather than later!  She's a wonderful dog, who truly deserves to find her forever family, she's more than ready for it!


I love Hazel, with all of my heart.  If I could adopt or even foster Hazel (or Jaida), I would.  But with multiple dogs in my home, fostering, dogsitting, and cats, my home is not ideal for Hazel.  When Hazel was in the HOPE Program, she would RUN to me and bodyslam her hellos to me.  I LOVED it every single time.  To see her excited and happy brought me joy.  Now when I see her at the boarding kennel, she's happy to me, but its nothing like before.  I don't have a way to explain to her that her time at the prison ran out and she had to pack her things and move out.  She spends her time in the play yard running around and making sure I know she's ignoring me.  If I ask her to go for a walk, she happily runs over and waits for me to leash her up and away we go.  She LOVES the walks, especially if she can take her Jolly Egg with her.  But once we're back in the play yard, she goes right back to ignoring me. 

I wish I could help her understand that this isn't forever...that her family is out there...that we're getting volunteers together to take her on adventures until her family finds her.  But there's nothing I can say that makes returning her to her kennel run any better, any more comforting.  She deserves more and I will not rest until I find that place for her.


This is my last week that I will have with Hazel, so all we did was play and I let her have fun all week!  She got to play with her friends for the last time and she got to eat a lot of treats too.  I even made her a little doggy meal for all of her achievements she has made while in the HOPE Program.  She will definitely be missed!


Once again, Hazel has made me proud!  She's showing that she can be around other dogs without going after them or reacting to them.  She got to meet the new girl, Amelia this week!  They sniffed each other down, then we took them on a walk together. 

Hazel has GROWN so much, in the way that she views other dogs, since she's been in the program!  She's proven that just because you're labeled as "reactive" or "dog selective" doesn't mean that you can't learn to accept some dogs, or change her behavior towards some dogs.  She really deserves a second chance at a new forever! 


Its so funny watching Hazel play with Callie! Callie is so rambunctious and she does not give up, no matter what Hazel does. They were wrestling around and Hazel launched Callie off of her, and Callie went rolling down the hill. She got up, shook it off, and came back for more! Callie even spent a few seconds stuck on Hazel’s back after trying to jump over her and not quite making it. Hazel didn’t even seem to mind, if you ask me, I think she kept running around so Callie couldn’t get her footing. We’re also working on getting Hazel and Loki to play together, as I think they would do well too!


Like Jaida, Hazel also needs a place to crash at the end of July. Hazel just has two requests…one, she doesn’t want to live with Jaida, but maybe another young pup might be okay…MAYBE…and two, you have to promise to love her as much as she will love you, and it will be a competition because everything with her is a competition! If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Lynzee@hopedogs.org


Hazel is sponsored by Central Pennsylvania Animal Alliance. You can apply to ADOPT https://www.centralpaanimalalliance.org/apply-to-adopt or FOSTER Hazel here, https://www.centralpaanimalalliance.org/foster-application.


Watching Hazel run up and down the fence with Loki this week was so funny! I think Loki got her frustrated because she stopped and looked at him and just walked off. Instead of him running the whole fence he would do some shake moves like he was playing football or something and he even made her stumble a few times! All we could do was laugh because Hazel stopped and looked at him like dude what is up with you, and then look back at us like are you guys gonna do something about this kid? Come on!!!


Hazel made another new friend this week! Her and Loki have been getting along GREAT! She even ALLOWS him to jump on her, and wrestle and play and all the things we never thought she could do before! Hazel must really like him! She really likes Callie too! Even the HOPE Trainer is amazed and LOVES that Hazel can play with other dogs. We’re wondering if she just really likes the younger dogs??? We even think she might be okay in a home with another dog, but of course we would have to do meet and greets, probably multiple. So make sure you apply to adopt her before some other family with puppies scoops her up!


Hazel has been doing so good with Callie! You would think that she’s known her forever and you can tell that Hazel LOVES Callie. So to let it be known, Hazel can be with other dogs. All she needs is a chance to meet them, and time to get to know them. That’s the important part, time! And maybe Hazel just prefers younger pups? We don’t know for sure, but she sure is sweet with Callie!



I’m sitting back watching Hazel PLAY WITH TWO DOGS at the SAME TIME, Loki and Callie! And she is definitely having a great time! Watching her and Callie play is just the sweetest thing! I wish that I could record it for the people to see! Callie jumps all over Hazel non-stop and Hazel just LOVES it! Today, after they played for like an hour straight, Callie rest her head on her to cool down. That would of been an awesome picture for her profile! They even play tug-of-war together and Hazel kept her cool, but didn’t let her win! I am definitely PROUD of Hazel!!!



Hazel made me proud once again! She made a new friend and her name is Callie! They get along and they even play off leash together!!! For short time periods, but its still good play! I think Hazel likes her because Callie can keep up with her! Both girls are rough and tumble with their play, when Hazel flipped her over and rolled her and Callie came back for more, even trying to do the same to her! Hazel’s relationships with other dogs has really come a long way, she’s different than how she was when she first got here. She’s really grown and changed in how she views dogs. She seems to enjoy hanging out with them, sometimes even playing with them, but it always takes some time and understanding of Hazel.

Like Jaida (Hazel’s nemesis) and Rocco, Hazel also needs a place to crash at the end of July. Hazel just has two requests…one, she doesn’t want to live with Jaida, or any other dog for that matter…and two, you have to promise to love her as much as she will love you, and it will be a competition because everything with her is a competition! If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Lynzee@hopedogs.org


This week Hazel and her handler worked on running through an obstacle course using milk crates as weave poles! When it’s just Hazel and her handler, she does it perfectly by targeting his hand, especially if he holds a treat in it. But if people are around, she gets distracted…or maybe she just really likes to make people laugh by goofing off? Either way, she’s learning and willing to always try new things!

Like Jaida (Hazel’s nemesis) and Rocco, Hazel also needs a place to crash at the end of July. Hazel just has two requests…one, she doesn’t want to live with Jaida, or any other dog for that matter…and two, you have to promise to love her as much as she will love you, and it will be a competition because everything with her is a competition! If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Lynzee@hopedogs.org


Hazel got a lot of yard time this week, thanks to the nice weather! She ran the fence with her friends and played with her favorite toy, any type of ball! She just loves to be active!!!

She also met some new people this week and she was on her best behavior too! I reminded them, and I’ll remind you too that she’s still available for adoption…hint, hint!


Hazel is still doing great in here, but she’s really ready for adoption! She played with Merlin a few times this week and then they laid next to each other, and I fed them treats. Hazel also played with Booker…Hazel is used to being the boss and in his own mind, so is Booker, so we watch them closely! They did okay though, we’re real proud of her!


Sometimes I just sit here watching Hazel run up and down the fenceline with Merlin and I think about how I’ve had her for 19 months and would keep her for another 19 months if I could! Her new friend is Merlin and really the only time I’ve heard her bark is when she’s running around with another dog. Its shocking to me that no one, not one single application has been received for this girl! No one has given her a chance and I just don’t understand it. It makes me sad for her, but she’ll never know it. All she will ever know is how much I love her and how much I want someone else to love her too!

5/3/2024 Hazel has been doing REALLY good with Merlin. I can say that they play like they are best friends and maybe she’s trying to steal him from Loki? It looks like they are giving each other hugs! She still gives Rocco a literal run for his money (or breath) by running the fence line with him too. When he stops to catch his breath, she breaks off and does her own thing…mainly taking a victory lap that she outlasted Rocco. Hazel will go on and on and on if you let her!

She’s so ready for her own family…maybe she’ll meet them at Senator’s game later?

4/26/2024 Hazel is good, as per usual! I think her and Merlin are becoming best friends being that she lets him wrap his legs around her without her getting angry. Maybe its just becomes she loves Loki and Loki and Merlin are best friends? She also played off leash with Booker in the same yard, but she really didn’t pay him no mind, she just did her own Hazel Dazel Doo thing. Later on she’s going to a fundraiser and I hope she does good and meets the family of her dreams!

4/12/2024 You’ll never believe this, but Hazel and Merlin are getting along so good! She doesn’t play with him like she does the other dogs, she actually takes it easy on him, with NO MOUTHINESS involved at all!! Maybe it is because Merlin’s legs are so long that he can just out run her! Hazel also played with Booker at the fence line and he actually burned her out too! She had to give up a few times to catch her breath, but she always went back for more. Booker goes non-stop, so I guess Hazel has finally met her match!!!

…HOPE Trainer here…Hazel is another pup that so beyond ready for her forever home too! She is such an awesome dog…smart, intelligent, driven, willing to do anything to make you laugh, she’s perfect! A good way to describe her with other dogs is dog-tolerant, meaning that she can make dog friends, as evident by her journal entries, but living with another dog (or other animals) might be hard for her. Ideally, we’d like to find a crash pad or forever home where she can be the only star! But, just like with Jaida and Rocco, whether its a forever home or a foster home, HOPE is here to help with free training and support to help her settle into her new digs too.

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Hazel here, https://www.crcpa.org/online-application

4/5/2024 Hazel is still with me after over a year!  But she’s still doing great, like always!  She did give me a major laugh this week when she went out to get her nails trimmed and she came back a little tipsy!  They gave her meds to help keep her calm and what every they gave her had her high as a kite!  She was trying to do all the Hazel things, but she couldn’t and I kind of felt bad, but I had to laugh!  It took her a while to realize that she couldn’t do all the things she wanted, but once she did she finally laid down and had a nice LOOOOOONG nap.  Now she’s back to herself, full of High Hazel Energy!!!

Hazel is NOT a fan of nail trims, but with medication and more frequent trips, she can get better!  Again, thanks to Compassionate Groom and Spa, and her vet’s office, Compassion Animal Hospital, for their help and guidance in getting our Hazel to be calm and learn that nail trims aren’t so scary after all!

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443.  You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Hazel here, https://www.crcpa.org/online-application

. Hazel had me chasing her all the yard today!  I had to take her new chewy toy from her because she kept ripping off pieces and eating them!!!  When I finally took it from her, I turned my head for a second and she took that moment to steal it back and RUN!  I tried to catch…and FAILED. I had to fake her out and pretend like we were going in just so I could get it back! 

Everything is a game with Hazel!  It’s her world and we just live in it!

3/22/2024  Hazel and I are vibing all the time, especially after having her for 17 months!  Shes a good dog, so I don't mind having her stay with me, but it would be nice to see her go to a forever home!

She's still doing good with Booker and Loki too!  I'm surprised to see her doing well with Booker, because he's still pretty new around here.  I would love to see them play off leash, but they're not ready just yet.  They do go for walks with eachother, side by side and they play a little that way too!

3/15/2024 Let me tell you about my best girl Hazel. She and Loki played together off leash this week and did super good! They ran around the yard then walked around sniffing each other. 

And, Hazel is getting used to Booker. As of now, they're still playing on leash and it's going well. Occasionally, Booker tries to bully her, but trust me, Hazel isn't having it and corrects him immediately. 

Other than that, Hazel is doing great. She's still waiting for someone to give her a shot at a forever home. Please consider this girl, she is SO READY for adoption. 

3/8/2024 Let me tell y'all about Hazel this week. I left my cell for a few minutes and when I came back, all my food was gone. Yep, all of it. She actually ate all of the food I had cooked and didn't leave me a bite! She must have heard me coming back to my cell because right as I entered, she was making a bee line for her crate. I looked into her eyes and she put her head down. I think she felt badly that she didn't leave me any leftovers!

3/1/2024 Hazel is still doing good. I found out that she loves to eat carrots and cauliflower. I didn't take her for a vegetable eater being that she goes crazy over the meat treats. But she actually ate a whole carrot!

She is doing great with Loki. We had them out on the housing unit playing side-by-side. At times, they would stop to sniff each other. Just give it some time and they will be running around with each other off leash!

2/16/2024 I got to watch Hazel play in the snow again this week. I make snowballs and throw them in the air and she tries to fetch them like they are one of her balls, but then when she can't find them, she goes crazy! LOL.

She also played in the snow with her friend, Chief. They ran and slid the whole time they were outside. They had a blast!

Hazel is doing so well. She is STILL waiting for someone to give her a chance at a forever home. Might it be YOU?

2/9/2024 Hazel continues to do well. We played a lot of fetch in the exercise yard this week. Hazel LOVES to play, and I did my best to tire her out. But usually, she outlasts me.

Hazel's training is spot on--she knows every command and is extremely obedient. She's a very smart (and cute) girl.


The only thing missing is her special person or family to give her her happily ever after. So how about it?

2/2/2024 Hazel is SO READY to be adopted. She's been here for 14 months. No one is giving her a chance. She hasn't had one adoption application submitted for her. No one has even asked to meet her. 


She's beautiful, knows tons of commands, and is an all around GREAT dog. All I can do is ask myself, "Why is she still here?" Isn't there someone out there who will give her a chance?

1/26/2024 We had a very exciting week! abc27 News came into the prison on Monday to film for a segment they are doing on the HOPE program. It was amazing! The reporter interviewed one of us handlers, our HOPE trainer Lynzee Cranford, and Deputy Superintendent Randy Evans, who has adopted two HOPE dogs! He and his family just adopted Gracie in December.
We were told the segment will air in about two weeks. I know the HOPE team will keep you all apprised of the air date as soon as they know when it is.

Hazel definitely strutted her stuff for the cameras. I just hope that people will see just how amazing she is when the segment airs, and maybe, just maybe, it will help her find her forever home!

1/12/2024 I took Hazel outside to play in the snow this week. She always enjoys it. She gets a kick out of it when I make snowballs and throw them to her. She thinks it's a ball at first. . . then she eats it. 


Hazel also ran the fence with Loki this week. A good time was had by both of them! 


Hazel excels at her commands. The ONLY thing missing is her forever home!

1/05/2024 Well, another week of spending time with a GREAT dog named Hazel. She aces all of her commands and is a loyal companion.

I HAVE NO IDEA why she is still here! WHEN is someone going to give her a chance?!

12/29/2023 Rocco and I had a blast this week. The ground was super soft and the grass was slippery. It was almost like a good football Sunday.

Rocco loves to play tug, and sometimes I forget just how strong he is. He was also tossing the ball around, too, and ended up rolling in the mud. Rocco was loving just being a dog--I swear he was smiling. Jaida joined in on the fun with Rocco and played in the mud, too. Dogs will be dogs! 

12/22/2023 Rocco never ceases to amaze me! A new male dog named Loki arrived on the cell block last Friday. Another male dog with Rocco--I had wondered how that was going to work? BUT, it went GREAT! 

At first, Rocco being Rocco, had to let Loki know who Rocco was! Then after a day or two, Loki and Rocco were running the gate for 45 minutes straight! 

To see the looks on both of their faces was priceless! Loki was bouncing off the wall in excitement. Rocco was looking like a slip-n-slide commercial--all muddy! 

It was beautiful to watch how happy they were. Rocco strikes again!.

12/15/2023 Hazel really has a problem with eating goose poop. She goes crazy over it. Is that normal? If I would let her, she would run all over the yard and eat up all of the goose droppings. That's just nasty.

Hazel is still doing great with all of her commands and training. She is more than ready to be paroled!

12/08/2023 Hazel got to meet some new friends this week. Some new people came on to the housing unit and they loved her! They thought her coloring was so pretty! I let them feed her treats for commands and a few tricks.

One of her new friends was trying to get her to roll over, but Hazel wasn't having it--she doesn't like to be on her back.

Other than that, Hazel is great and still waiting for her happily ever after.

12/01/2023 Brrrrr! It's been another cold week. Hazel doesn't seem to mind, but I sure do! Hazel will play and run around in any weather, as long as she gets to burn off her energy.

Hazel and I had to have a heart to heart this week. You see, she's been eating all the food that I leave out in my cell, thinking it's meant for her. LOL. I keep forgetting to put it up, so really, it's not her fault!

Hazel is thriving and knows all of her commands backward and forward. She is MORE THAN READY for parole! Can YOU be the one to break her out of here?

11/24/2023 Hazel was mischievous this week! She got a new bed and has already chewed two holes in it. I even made up her bed really nice for her in her crate, but she didn't care! Then she had the nerve to think that she was going to climb into my bed! LOL!

Other than that, Hazel is doing super well and is MORE THAN READY for parole!

11/17/2023 This week with Hazel was good, although she did get into some mischief. She got some new toys. I let her play with one of her new balls, and she shredded it within minutes. Then, while I was away from my cell, she found where I kept her stuffed animals and shredded those too. I came back to find my cell filled with cotton everywhere. In the meantime, Hazel was fast asleep in her crate like nothing had happened!

Hazel Is STILL waiting for someone to give her a forever home!

11/10/2023 Ms. Hazel made me jump out of my bed at 3 in the morning this week. I woke up to her chewing on something in her crate. I got up to check on her and there she was chewing on one of her toys. I don't usually let her keep toys in her crate, so she must have sneaked it in there and covered it up with her blanket so I wouldn't see it.

I gave Hazel a special treat this week for doing so well on her training. It was two oatmeal cookies covered in peanut butter. Boy, did she love that!

Hazel is doing fantastic. She was out and about on Sunday at Gulliver's Run at Pinchot State Park and had a blast. He looks beautiful in her photo shoot--one of her photos from the event is shown here.

I have no idea why no one has applied to adopt my gorgeous girl. She would be a GREAT dog for someone active, or an active family.

We have all enjoyed watching Hazel's AMAZING progress in HOPE, but it's WAY past time for her to move to her forever home so her handler can help another dog in need, and save another life.

11/03/2023 Hazel has been such a total sweetheart. I simply don't understand why there have been NO ADOPTION APPLICATIONS for her?! I am at a complete loss. She is totally obedience trained, housebroken, sweet, adorable, and just an all-around great dog. She would make a great running or walking partner for someone. She is even getting along with some of the other dogs in HOPE. So, she might be fine in a home with another dog, as long as there were proper introductions.

We had a great week! We spent a lot of time outside in the beautiful weather we've been having. She really enjoys being outside and sitting in the sun.

She did find a way to get into my trash can this week to chew on a few of the peanut butter wrappers I had in there. LOL. My bad! Other than that, Hazel has been terrific!

10/27/2023  "Hazel has been such a total sweetheart. I simply don't understand why there have been NO ADOPTION APPLICATIONS for her?! I am at a complete loss. She is totally obedience trained, housebroken, sweet, adorable, and just an all-around great dog. She would make a great running or walking partner for someone. She is even getting along with some of the other dogs in HOPE. So, she might be fine in a home with another dog, as long as there were proper introductions. 

We had a great week! We spent a lot of time outside in the beautiful weather we've been having. She really enjoys being outside and sitting in the sun. 

She did find a way to get into my trash can this week to chew on a few of the peanut butter wrappers I had in there. LOL. My bad! Other than that, Hazel has been terrific!!!"

10/20/2023 "Hazel continues to do great with Chief. They are besties. They would play together all day if I let them. I'm still trying to ease Hazel in with Bella, but as of now, Bella isn't having it! They are good at running up and down the fence, though (on opposite sides), then Hazel runs off and does her own thing.


Hazel continues to do great with her training. She's happy and healthy, too. The ONLY thing missing is someone to give her a wonderful forever home! She'd do great with an active person who would take her on walks, hiking, and even jogging!"

10/13/2023 Hazel has been having a BALL since we've been letting her play with Chief!  I try to le them run around every night so that she can get completely comfortable with him.  This is TRULY a HUGE accomplishment for this feisty female.  We just LOVE that she's now comfortable enough to play some with another dog.  It's been a long time in the making!

She may not want to live with another dog, and she may not like every dog she meets, but with time it seems that she can be friends with another dog.  We're all so proud of the work Hazel and her Handler have done for her during her time in the program.

10/06/2023 "Hazel had the best week! She actually played with another dog off leash--Chief! This is a HUGE milestone for Hazel!!!


First, they ran up and down the yard chasing after each other, then they played how dogs usually play. Being that Hazel is so fast, every time Hazel would run away, Chief would clip her back legs and had Hazel rolling all over the place!


After play time was over, I gave commands to both of them to see how they would do--both did great and listened so well!

This is a MAJOR success for Hazel! She has never played with another dog off leash before. I am so very proud of my girl! She is more than ready for her happily ever after. I am sure that the right person is out there who will give her all the love that she deserves."

9/29/2023 This past week with Hazel was kind of a wet and muddy one, due to all the rain!  Every time we went outside, all I wanted was for her to use the bathroom, but all she wanted was to run around and around and around and play in the mud!  I think she's just trying to stay outside longer so that Jaida gets less time outside.  Hazel and Jaida aren't friends at all, so they're always trying to mess with each other.

We tried to do some inside training this week too, but every time someone walked past us, she would try to get them to play with her!  She's really becoming a social butterfly...or maybe she just doesn't like working (who does)?  Lately she's especially distracted by other dogs too!  She still pretty much ignores Jaida, but this new girl, Gracie, I think she's jealous cause everyone seems to LOVE her.  It doesn't matter though, Hazel is still the best parkour dog ever, and nothing will ever top her!

9/22/2023 Me and Hazel are still vibing!

I’ve been working with her on giving me back her ball with the two handles after short periods of tug-of-war, she will only give it back if there’s a piece of real meat treat in it for her. So I’ve been saving my beef sausage and cutting it up into tiny pieces to trade with her and she goes crazy for it! It’s one of the things we’ve been working on the hardest with her because she loves her toys and does not like to give them up.

She’s so good at everything else and will do everything else that I ask her to do but this one thing is hard for her and why wouldn’t it be she’s never really had a home or toys of her very own, and she deserves all of that, and more.

9/15/2023 Hazel gave all of us at the prison a good laugh this week!  Everyone watched and laughed while she ran circles around me at top speed.  She sure loves to put on a show for people!  The more they laughed, the faster she ran.

She usually does this when she has to use the bathroom! And I just kept thinking she was going to poop in a circle around me!

Anyway, Hazel is doing great and STILL waiting for a wonderful family to snatch her up and make her part of their home.

9/8/2023 Weekly vibes with Hazel were great as usual.  No matter where she is she always makes the best of it.

Hazel got a new football last week and already shredded it.  I was shocked because it didn't seem to be the type of material that would be susceptible to destruction.  But apparently it was. 

We went on a lot of walks this week, had plenty of play time in the yard, and practiced her obedience skills, at which she continues to excel. 

Hazel is always happy and is ready to meet her new family.  Could someone please step up to adopt this wonderful girl?

9/1/2023 Hazel loved swimming in the pool that we set up in the dog yard.  Actually, she was more like diving than swimming.  She would dive into the water to retrieve the ball.  Boy, that girl can really hold her breath! 

Other than showing off her aquatic skills, Hazel is doing great.  She's still waiting for some lucky person or family to scoop her up and give her the happily ever after that every dog deserves.

8/18/2023 This week Hazel was in the yard on the fence with Luke, face-to-face and to our surprise Hazel stayed humble the entire time! Not once did she snap at Luke, or even grumble at him! I noticed that she can walk straight past him without snapping, like she sometimes does to the other dogs. Maybe its Luke’s calm, unbothered demeanor that brings out Hazel’s softer side?

Either way, she earned a big ol treat for that, as I was so proud of her! We’re waiting for someone to give her a second chance at life. Ultimately, Hazel would do best as the only pet, and preferably a home with no young kids

08/11/2023 Hazel went for a swim this week in the dog yard! She was actually going under the water trying to swim in circles to get at her ball! This girl can really hold her breath!!! She just kept sticking her head under and moving around until she found her ball and pulled it! She’s crazy about her toys and wouldn’t leave it alone in the pool!

08/04/2023 Hazel's handler provided this recent update:

"Weekly vibes with Hazel were great as usual. No matter where she is she always makes the best of it.

Hazel got a new football last week and already shredded it. I was shocked because it didn't seem to be the type of material that would be susceptible to destruction. But apparently it was.

We went on a lot of walks this week, had plenty of play time in the yard, and practiced her obedience skills, at which she continues to excel.

Hazel is always happy and is ready to meet her new family. Could someone please step up to adopt this wonderful girl?"

07/28/2023 Hazel also enjoyed some pool time this week. Here's the latest from her handler:


"Hazel loved swimming in the pool that we set up in the dog yard.

Actually, she was more like diving than swimming. She would dive into the water to retrieve the ball. Boy, that girl can really hold her breath!

Other than showing off her aquatic skills, Hazel is doing great. She's still waiting for some lucky person or family to scoop her up and give her the happily ever after that every dog deserves."

07/21/2023 Update from Hazel's handler:


"While Hazel gets along with most of the dogs in HOPE, her relationship with Luke hasn't been the best. But this week, we put it to the test.  Luke and Hazel were out in the play yard, with the fence between them. They were looking at each other, face to face. Neither reacted! I was so proud of Hazel for remaining so calm and humble toward Luke. I gave her a nice, big, tasty treat for doing so well.


Other than that, Hazel has been doing great. She knows all of her commands and has passed her Level Two Obedience Test. I love her to pieces but she really needs a home of her own so I can help another dog.

The HOPE dogs love us and we love them, but the prison is not meant to be a permanent place for them. They are "passing through" from their past life to us, so that we can get them ready for their happily ever afters. That's our mission. That's how we give back to the community.

Hazel--just like every dog in HOPE--deserves her happily ever after. Won't someone out there give her a chance so that I can help another dog? We handlers can't help more dogs unless and until the ones here are adopted. We need YOU to be part of our life-saving mission!"

07/14/2023 Pupdate from Hazel's handler:


"There's a rumor going around the cell block that Hazel has packed on too many LBs. I disagree. I think she looks great. In an abundance of caution, though, I'll cut back a little on her snacks. But it's going to be difficult, because when I snack, I like to give Hazel some too! The look she gives me when I don't share breaks my heart!


Hazel and Rocco have been playing a lot and enjoying their time together out in the exercise yard.


Hazel got Gold Stars this week for all of her commands. The only thing left for Hazel to do is find her forever home. I don't understand why she hasn't found her person or family yet--Hazel is a great dog and would make a wonderful addition to a very lucky family!"

7/7/2023 Hazel's handler had this report on our sweet girl:

"Hazel had a good, but "hot" week.  She still likes to play in the yard, despite the heat, but I keep a close eye on her.  After playing, she'll stretch out, flat, in the shade. 

She's doing super great for the most part.  She knows all of her commands.  She just needs someone to give her a FOREVER home!"

Wouldn't you like to add this smart, charming, cute, and playful girl to your family?  If so, go to https://centralpaanimalalliance.org/apply-to-adopt.

6/30/2023 This past week, Hazel's handler provided this update:

"Hazel had another amazing week and is doing super awesome.  She's playing more and more with the other dogs.  She's super relaxed with Chief, her friend.  I think she's ready to play off leash with him, although I don't want to rush it.  We're taking it super slow.  Hazel has come such a long way since she entered HOPE.  She is a wonderful dog that deserves a great home!  Could it be with you?"

6/23/2023 From Hazel's handler:

"Hazel had another phenomenal week!  Hazel is doing great with all her commands.  She is a sweet AND smart girl.

We were out in the play yard a lot.  She loves to run at top speed like a speed racer.  We played a lot of fetch, which she also loves. 

NEW for Hazel--She has started to enjoy the doggie pool!  She's even diving for toys!   

It was hot this past week, so when we came back inside she'd sprawl on the concrete floor to cool off.  She'd stay there for awhile, then I'd give her a rub down.  After that, she headed straight into my bed and that was all she wrote!"

6/16/2023 Hazel received a great report from her handler this past week: 

"Hazel got to meet some new staff.  She let them feed her treats as she did some tricks for them.  She was giving hand shakes, rolling over, and showing them just how high she can jump.  She put on a performance that they loved.  It felt so good to see her putting smiles on their faces, and it made me very proud. 

Hazel really loves people and has an awesome heart.  I can truly say that it's been a privilege to have her!" 

6/9/2023 Sweet Hazel continues to excel!  Here's this week's report from her handler: 

"Hazel continues to do great.  This past week, she went on an outing to get her nails trimmed and was so good for that!  I was so proud to hear how well she did. 

Hazel is full of energy so I walk her a lot, continuing to get her to walk along side of me.  She's doing so much better with that. 

Today, our HOPE trainer tested Hazel for her Obedience II level training and Hazel passed!  I could not be prouder of her.

Hazel is SO READY to be paroled!  Anyone out there looking for a sweet, active dog to add to their family?  You won't be disappointed if you make that dog Hazel!"

6/2/2023 Hazel is really doing awesome! You know she’s doing great when she lets another dog come into my cell and eat out of her food bowl and drink out of her water dish. How amazing is that? She just looked at him like: “Dude. Are you really doing that?” LOL. For the people who know Hazel, this is HUGE!

Hazel is doing great with all of her commands. Her excitability is much less and she no longer jumps on people. She would be a great fit for an active family that likes to go on hikes and walks.

Hazel is more than ready for her forever home! I can’t believe some lucky family hasn’t snatched her up!

5/26/2023  Hazel made me so proud this week! Some new staff came to the housing unit and wanted to meet her. They fed her treats and so was so calm. She didn’t jump on anyone. Just goes to show all of this training is really paying off. She even rolled over and let one of the ladies rub her belly. She starting to do this more often with people, and I love it.

Hazel is a GREAT dog. Can’t someone please give her a forever home?!

5/19/2023  Christmas came early for Hazel this week! She received a big box of treats and toys. She sends a big thanks to everyone who donated! She has already shredded several of her toys, which is just an indication of how much she loved them.

I made Hazel work for her treats (and toys) and she did very well–doing everything I asked of her perfectly! I’m so proud of her!

Hazel is still patiently waiting for someone to give her what she wants most–a forever home. Could it be you?

4/28/2023 Hazel is a strong girl, in personality, in play, in everything! She’s definitely not afraid of being who she is and we wouldn’t have her any other way! Today she spent time burning off some energy with Rocco outside, as they’re both attending the Denim, Diamonds and Dogs event tonight. We all keep reminding her that she needs to be on her best behavior, and we’re all hoping that she will meet her forever family tonight!

4/21/2023 We have zero complaints about Hazel! She’s been putting in the work, keeping her nose clean, and not paying too much attention to the other dogs. She may not be able to play off leash with another dog in the same yard, but she seems content to running around and playing tag through the fence.

We’ve been working on Hazel giving up toys, like the rope, when we play tug. When she starts to get excited she will hold on tight and some times give these growls like, “No, you let go!” We’re working on teaching her trade, but we clearly have more work to put in with her.

4/14/2023 This week with Hazel was AWESOME! She’s been doing really well with all the other dogs and is sometimes even playing with a few of them…or at least sniffing them and letting them sniff her through the fence. She may not be besties with any of them, but we think she’s starting to like some of them…Rocco and Chief to name just a few. She and Jaida apparently have a beef that seems will never be settled. This is why we call Hazel the Head B in Charge! We just love her attitude!

This week the pool came out and we thought for a second that Hazel was going to dive right in! She faked us all out as she turned at the last second and ran off! We got her back though and splashed some water at her every time she ran by.

Hazel has come such a long way and has been with the program for what seems like an eternity now! In reality its only been almost 6 months, but that can seem like forever to a pup who is waiting for her forever home!

4/07/2023 Nothing is hazy in Ms Hazel’s world this week!

Ms Hazel had a beautiful week! She got to enjoy the nice weather and really got to play hard outside. Every week she gets better and better hanging out with the other dogs, and she makes me so proud every week!

She’s been doing so well in fact that we let her play with Rocco and Chief this week! They would run up and down the fence line together, just barking and having a good time. She did so well with Chief, that they played a couple times on leash together. When they run along the fence line together, they sound like two banshees screaming 

We look forward to continuing her progress with at least the boy dogs! She’s still not a fan of the girls too much.

3/31/2023  Hazel did good on her training. I am so proud that she passed her Level 2 training this week–Woo Hoo! She has definitely come such a long way!

I took her walking with a couple of the other dogs this week. It went much better than last time. I try to keep her focused on me with a treat or ball instead of on the other dogs. I’ve also been having her in the sit position when other dogs walk past her.

We’ve been doing a lot of cuddle time and she loves that (so do I, LOL).

Hazel got GOLD STARS this week for her basic commands.

Hazel is ready for adoption as long as the family is aware of her dog selectivity and continue to work with her on that.

3/24/2023 Hazel has been reminding her Handler that even though she’s a Princess and should be treated like one, she’s also still just a dog, doing dog things.

So Hazel does this thing where she acts like a dog, even though if you ask her, she’s not a dog, she’s a Princess. When she decides to act like a dog, its usually when she’s bored, which means I decided to do something other than play with her for a few minutes. Today, her dog-like behavior led her to play a fun game of “toilet paper shred”! I left to go to school and when I came back, she jumped off my bed and ran to her crate like she knew she was in trouble. After I cleaned up the MESS, I called her out of her crate and she immediately jumped up on and started licking my face. You can’t help but to LOL! You just can’t stay mad at her! 

We’ve been working REALLY hard at just hanging out with the other dogs. Every week the HOPE Trainer tells us how much improvement she’s seeing week to week! Hazel may need a home of her own, but she’s been doing really great at just socializing with everyone, watching the action, taking turns showing off and getting attention. And if she does have a reaction, I walk her away for a minute and then we can immediately come back and relax again. 

Hazel is just waiting for that family that wants her to be the star of their show and treat her like the Princess she knows she was destined to be! To give Hazel the royal treatment, apply here https://www.hopedogs.org/adoption-application/?animal_name=Hazel 

3/17/2023 Hazel’s Handler has been working so hard with her this past week!

Hazel was not feeling the cold and windy weather this week! I felt bad seeing her shaking even while just using the bathroom. She has a jacket and a sweater but she didn’t want either of those! Once it got a little warmer outside, she played “Bark & Run” with Rocco along the fence line. Rocco would be on one side, Hazel on the other and they just bark at and run with each other. She could do this for hours, and it definitely tires both her and Rocco out. I like to let her do that before we get to our training routine.

I’ve been trying to get her on the treadmill but so far, she’s not a fan. We’re going nice and slow with it so hopefully we will get her using it.

She would definitely benefit from having an active person or family adopt her. This girl would prefer to be the only pet, but she’ll keep you busy enough for four dogs! 


3/10/2023 Hazel and I had a good week. She did well with all her basic commands. I’m trying to teach her how to play patty cake, but she keeps trying to use both of her paws at once. I know she’ll eventually get it.

She was playing with one of the officers and got very excited and grabbed on to the sleeve of his sweater. I think she thought it was a toy. When I told Hazel to “stop” she did, and immediately let go of his sweater. I was so proud of her.

Hazel is doing much better at walking by other dogs without reacting. But, if they react to her, she reciprocates. We’re working on that.

Grossest moment of the week was witnessing Hazel eat a piece of goose poop. (In case you don’t know, there are SO MANY geese on the prison grounds). I tried to stop her, but it happened so fast. I will definitely be more vigilant next time!

3/3/2023 Hazel’s Handler learned a hard lesson this week! 

I underestimated Hazel’s speed this week. We had a race in the yard and honestly, I really thought that I could beat her. I know she’s fast but I’m also pretty fast too! Maaaaaaaan, she totally smoked me! She left me in a trail of dust! Then to really rub it in, she kept running around me in circles, and I swear I heard her taunting me and rubbing it in my face! 

I couldn’t take it anymore so I grabbed a toy and distracted her with a game of fetch! I did eventually give her a couple of her favorite treats for her big win, but I still want a rematch! 

This week we’ve been working on some of her basic and advanced commands. We need to really work on her loose leash walking, as she starts turning into a kangaroo on walks, especially if she thinks I have food or if she sees something she REALLY wants! She’s also doing really well with greeting new people. She’s a social butterfly for sure! Hazel is actually headed to another event this weekend where she will get to meet a lot of people, maybe she will finally find her happily ever after.

2/24/2023  Hazel did well walking on leash this week mainly because there were not a lot of distractions. The only time she tried to take off was when she spotted a goose in the play yard. First, she stopped and got low to the ground and then she tried to take off. Thank heavens I had her on leash, or that goose would have been Hazel’s lunch.

Also, this week, I met and played with the new dog, Bella. Afterwards, I came into my cell and laid down. Hazel jumped on the bed and did a heavy sniff of me. Then she laid on me and rubbed her body all over me like the only dog scent she wanted to be on me was hers. I think she was jealous!

2/17/2023  Hazel must’ve had a long day of training today! As I’m sitting here writing this, she’s sound asleep and making these small little barking sounds. We’ve really been working hard this week, as we need to get ready for our Level 2 Obedience test this week! She has definitely come a long way compared to when she first got here. She even passed Level 1 Obedience with both me and her secondary handler!

Hazel’s second Handler has a a week filled with happiness, excitement and even a little sadness….

I’ve been spending a lot of time with Hazel lately, but I know all of that extra time will be coming to an end, as I’m getting my first dog, Bella, with the HOPE Program! Hazel has taught me so much! It’s absolutely heartwarming to have watched her grow and see her focus on learning! She is a very playful dog and wants only to please she has come so far and is a fast learner. You can just see her change in body language when you tell her “good job” or “yes” with a pat on her chest or a quick hug when she does the right thing.

Hazel did some amazing and unexpected things this week too! She’s learned Parkour and can run up the side of a wall, to what looks like 10 feet up! She will also run and jump into your arms on cue too!

Finally, since we won’t have as much time together, we spent time on the warmer days when the sun was out, just basking in the warm rays.

Hazel would really thrive in a home with people who live an active life, or would take an interest in learning about dog sports to keep Hazel happy. If this sounds like you, apply for our Happy Hazel Girl here, https://www.hopedogs.org/adoption-application/?animal_name=Hazel

2/10/2023  Hazel is such a sweetheart with people, but can be reactive to other dogs. One of my goals this week was to get Hazel to relax and stay calm when the other dogs are close. It’s a work in progress, but we are making progress.

Hazel tends to nibble softly or sometimes jump when being greeted or greeting people but will stop immediately with the word “nice.” This word is well known to her, and she understands and responds to it in full when used in different scenarios. By this I mean–you can say “nice” to her when she takes a treat and then she’ll take it gently, be “nice” when greeting people so she won’t nibble, and “nice” when approaching the side yard for play so she won’t pull with excitement when entering the yard. This shows me that she not only knows the word, but she also knows the meaning of it. Very smart girl indeed.

Hazel got GOLD STARS this week for “sitting pretty” and “stop” for stopping on a dime when going up and down steps.

2/3/2023 Weekly update on Hazel, she’s doing super great as far as training being around people and even other dogs! She was kind of bad this week though and I learned she has a sweet tooth! When I went to school, I forgot that I left out an open packet of cookies AND I left her out the crate! Did she eat the cookies? Of course she did! Did she feel bad about it? Of course she didn’t! But she did look so sad and them jumped up on me like she was saying, “Please forgive me, I just couldn’t help myself!”  How could I ever stay mad at her!

Hazel gets really distracted when other dogs, but she is making a lot of progress! This week she and I took the time to go on walks with Roxy, Oreo and Rocco in the big yard on leash. We walked between, side-by-side, and even shared some relaxation time, just a few feet apart, without any reactive behavior at all! Sure there were a few hard glances and some unwanted vibes at first but after a few days all is much much better! We also made a makeshift obstacle course, where we worked on some of her basic commands and let her run the course! She loved every minute of it! She now knows roll over! She’s also learning to take the steps one at a time, where we ask her to stop on every step before moving forward.

1/27/2023 This past week, Hazel and I played basketball in the play yard. She played defense. Being that she is so fast it was hard to shake her. I would say that she won because she had a lot of steals. How could I score points when she stayed on me like I had a pork chop tied around my neck telling her to come get it? And when she got the ball it was difficult for me to get it back given that she has a ball obsession. So I kind of had to cheat and trade her with a treat. LOL. It was definitely a work out for both of us. We’re going to do that more often!

Hazel also really enjoyed the snow we had last week. Hazel and I were in the dog yard, and we started with a game of fetch, which was hilarious. To watch her go from a top speed run and end up in a 15 to 20 foot slide across the ground was total enjoyment for both of us. When she stopped to give up the ball, it was easy to see that she was having so much fun, and so was I. I then made ten snowballs and with her a good distance away, I let loose. She caught all but two and probably ate all ten. It was such a fun day for both of us!”

To apply to adopt Hazel, go to https://www.hopedogs.org/adoption-application/?animal_name=Hazel.

1/13/2023  In addition to working on Hazel’s basic obedience commands, we had a little fun time this week. It snowed for a little bit one day and there was enough snow in the dog yard for me to make snow balls, and I made a lot of them! I think Hazel thought they were regular balls. So when I threw them in the air for her to catch, she caught them, making them explode in her mouth. Then, she started to eat them. She had so much fun, and I had fun watching her!

1/6/2023  Hazel continues to do well. My biggest challenge with Hazel is getting her to calm down when we are around people. She is a jumper because she loves everyone. That is a work in progress.

12/30/2022 This week, Hazel got a nickname–“Speeding Bullet.” Every time I open the door for her to go outside, she runs out like a speeding bullet! LOL. Her energy level is high and she can go at it all day.

This week, I have been working with her to give high fives, and she’s doing it, thanks to the help from one of the new dog handlers.

When Hazel is not around the other dogs, she does so well with her training. Now, if I can only get her to focus when she’s around the other dogs.

12/23/2022  Hazel is a total sweetheart until she grabs a toy or something that she really likes–then it’s game of tug-of-war ON! I’m working with her to trade off with another toy or treat–she does okay with that most of the time, but I’m still working with her on that.

Hazel is an AWESOME dog and has no problem cuddling with me when it’s time to take a nap!

12/16/2022  Hazel was bad this week! Somehow, she got a hold of my toilet paper and shredded it everywhere throughout my cell. When I came back to my cell, she ran into her crate like she knew she had done something wrong. Right after I cleaned it up, he laid on top of me and gave me plenty of kisses, I guess to let me know she was sorry for what she had done. So, I guess I got to see Hazel’s ornery side this week!

12/09/2022  This week with Hazel was spent mostly indoors being that it was wet and muddy outside. She has no problem with playing in the rain, but I was not looking forward to washing all that mud off of her, so we played inside A LOT! I think she’s come a long way since her first week here. She’s starting to listen to me more, pay attention to me, and even the other handlers too!

This past weekend she had a run-in with Bruno when they were walking out to head to an event. Poor Bruno got the worst of it but luckily neither Hazel, nor Bruno, seem to be holding a grudge! 

12/02/2022 Hazel’s been doing good with the “down” command, but she still needs more work. She knows how to do it, but if she doesn’t think its worth her time, or there are too many other things going on, she will just look at you like, “what?” It’s been rainy, so the yard is part mud pit, and I learned the hard way that she likes to splash and slide in the mud, then cover me in mud! She gets it EVERYWHERE! 

Hazel is a good girl, but we’ve been working on her keeping her cool when she starts getting hyped up! She does get worked up around other dogs, especially if they bark or cause a commotion. She likes her space, so her perfect home would probably be one where she can take center stage. She’s a tough little girl who likes to hang back and watch the other dogs, and sometimes they don’t like this, so we’re working on it, helping her to relax more around the other pups. 

We also noticed that when she gets hyped while playing, she likes to mouth your arms or hands, but she is learning how to grab a toy instead and that play stops when this happens. She’s still working on learning the basics, but she’s such a sweetheart who loves everyone she meets, and she’s got everyone wrapped around her little tail!

11/25/2022  Hazel and I had a great week. She knows sit about 60% of the time, but with a high quality treat, it’s 100% , all day, every day! She’s almost mastered the laying down command, and I am confident that she’ll get it in a few days.

Hazel is very respectful of the small space we share. She is an awesome dog.

She had me laughing hard this week. When I crawled into her crate to straighten her blankets, she squeezed in with me and started licking my face all over. LOL.

11/18/2022  I’m continuing to work with Hazel on commands. Right now, she’s struggling, but I know she will get them as time goes on! She continues to adjust well to prison life.

This week, we’ve been working on “sit.” She’s starting to somewhat get it.

She loves to play fetch in the yard, and gets very excited about that. She also likes to just relax with me. She’ll jump up on my bed and lay next to me so she can watch TV.

Hazel is a dog with a lot of love to give. She loves to give kisses. Hazel is my new furry friend!

11/11/2022 This was my first week with Hazel so we spent most of the week getting to know each other. She’s pretty laid back, loves to play, and likes to run! I really like that she loves to cuddle!

We’ve been working on her commands, but it’s going slowly. No worries–we have plenty of time!

Apply to Adopt Hazel
By Lynzee March 14, 2025
By Lynzee November 19, 2024
By Lynzee November 19, 2024
Ellie Mae
By Lynzee September 12, 2024
By Lynzee September 9, 2024
By Lynzee July 31, 2024
By Lynzee July 31, 2024
By Lynzee March 2, 2024
June 22, 2023
Jaida (formerly Potter) joined the HOPE Program on Friday 2/24/2023. She is approximately 7 years old and is sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Animal Alliance, CPAA. Jaida is joining the Program after she and her family worked REALLY hard to help her adjust to a new baby in the house. Unfortunately, she prefers the companionship of older kids (10 years and over) to that of an infant or toddler. Jaida has a HIGH PREY DRIVE and will give chase to small critters, so she shouldn’t live with cats, birds, guinea pigs, etc. The smaller and squeakier, the more interested Jaida gets! She and her family put in a lot of time and work, so she’s already a very well behaved girl. She loves going for walks and hikes, but prefers not to be bombarded by off leash dogs. After all, she’s a well mannered gal and expects her friends to be the same! Jaida is also muzzle trained for trips to the vet and groomers too! If you're interested in adopting Jaida, please review her future home requirements, and if you think your home would suit her needs, click that "Apply to Adopt Jaida" button below! -Jaida NEEDS to be an ONLY PET , as she has a HIGH PREY DRIVE and does like dogs in her face -Jaida will NOT be adopted into a home with kids under the age of 10 -Jaida loves going for walks, so while a fenced yard is great, she'd like a family to take her on hikes and adventures -Jaida would also prefer a calm and quiet home , not one with a lot of guests or busy activities. Jaida is sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Animal Alliance and her adoption fee is $300.
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