

Loki joined the HOPE Program on Friday 12/22/2023. He is approximately 2 ½ years old and is sponsored by Animal Rescue Inc (ARI). Loki is such a fun and funny guy! This young boy is very sweet and VERY high energy. He loves to play fetch, run in the yard, and go on extra long walks. He'd be a great companion for an active family that enjoys the outdoors. If you're looking for buddy to explore with, meet Loki!

If you're interested in adopting Loki, please review ARI’s adoption requirements here, https://www.animalrescueinc.org/index.php/adopt/policies.

Loki is sponsored by ARI, Animal Rescue Inc and his adoption fee is $220. ARI also requires all potential adopters to have a fenced yard.

Apply to Adopt Loki


Loki is the most relaxed and chill dog I’ve ever trained. All of my previous dogs and what seems like every other that has been part of this program absolutely hates having their nails trimmed. Not so for Loki! He loves having his paws held, massaged and played with, so I figured I’d try my hand at a nail trim!

We took a towel outside and laid it on the grass, and Loki will immediately lay down on it. I start to massage his paws and Loki rolls onto his back, all four paws sticking up in the air. So I just clipped a few nails and checked to see how Loki was responding…turns out, he was sleeping! And it looked like he was grinning! He probably wouldn’t have been sleeping if he knew it was my first time clipping a dog’s nails! 

5/3/2024 LOKI IS A TV STAR!!! Don’t believe me? See for yourself at the Fox43.com site and look for the Fox Morning News tab (or the comments below). Loki was on the pet spotlight because is the most chill, loving, coolest dog around! He did great at the Fox Station. Once the cameras turned on, Loki was so laid back he literally laid on the floor. No moment is too big for him. All he wants is to be loved on, treats (cheese), sleep and more loving! Pictures and words don’t do even justice for Loki, you’ll really need to see him in action on the news story…or better yet, apply to adopt him and meet him in person!

4/26/2024 Loki is my best friend and is always looking out for me. In the yard, Loki is able to lay back and relax but still key in on anything out of the norm. When I lay down,I love when Loki stands over top of me, just watching out for me until I tell him to sit or lay down with me. Sometimes he’ll put his front paws on my chest and just stand there ready and waiting for something to happen. Countless times he’s barked at what seems like nothing but when I would look harder it would be something off in the distance. He never barks indiscriminately. Its always because he saw something or someone out in the distance that is out of the norm and he’s just looking out for me. Always looking out for me. Even when he’s asleep in his crate, if I sneeze, he will get up, come over to me, lick my face and will only go back to bed when I tell him that I’m good. As much as I will miss him, I can’t wait for Loki to have this same relationship with his forever family!!!

4/12/2024. Loki has had an uneventful week. Nothing really good or bad with the exception of Loki because he himself is quite exceptional. What makes him exceptional? Let me tell you. The daily monotony and grind can easily engulf me. With Loki however he wants me focused on the moment not what I did yesterday or thinking about what needs to be done tomorrow just be with Loki in the moment and everything always seems to fall into place. Loki has a way to get me centered and not only present, but to enjoy and cherish the moment too. This is all Loki asks of me is to be present, enjoy the moment, and in return all the noise in my life turns into a peaceful quietness. So, in my opinion, this is why Loki is exceptional!

…HOPE Trainer here…ARI has arranged for our very own Loki to be interviewed by Fox43’s Danielle Miller on May 1st! Be sure to set your DVRs or tune in on the day and we will be sure to share more details as they become available!

Loki is sponsored by Animal Rescue Inc (ARI) and to make him all yours, you can apply here, https://form.jotform.com/90533572444154

4/5/2024 I can’t believe Loki is still here with me after 15 weeks!  He is by far the best dog I’ve been blessed to train.  He’s the perfect balance of energy and chill!  On these rainy days its really hard to get Loki enough exercise but he would rather play inside, then outside anyway!  Even when its nice outside, he prefers to play inside.  The only time he loves playing outside is when there’s snow!  On rainy days Loki likes to do his morning bathroom break and then come right back inside, curl up right beside you, and snooze for a few more hours. 

Also, if you have another dog, or two, or more, Loki would be a PERFECT addition!  Loki is awesome with other dogs!  I think I need to stop talking about how cute, awesome, friendly, and perfect Loki is.  Then again, the true goal is to find Loki his forever home and not try to keep him all to myself!  Yet, its such a bittersweet thought because he’s a dog I love so very much.  I know he deserves a much more enriching life than I can provide him in here.3/29/2024  Loki is extremely popular with the staff, inmates, and of course all the other dogs! Just last week, a new dog named Merlin came into the HOPE program. I feel as though Loki is the unofficial “Walmart Greeter” here at the prison because he happily greets all two and four-legged entities that step onto the block. It took no time at all for Loki to meet Merlin and then just a few days after joining, Merlin‘s favorite way to greet Loki is to preen his face, neck, and front legs. It is the cutest scene in the world and you could see it for yourself, if you want to adopt the most perfect dog in the world…and his buddy too!

 Sure, Loki can be aloof at times but that’s what makes him so fun and special to be around. Just the other day, when Loki was starting to wind down, I began scratching his neck and made his back leg kick back-and-forth. Loki got this wide eyed look of amazement and even some confusion on his face because I don’t think he realized that it was his own leg, and what was making it kick! I could be wrong because Loki didn’t say any of this to me personally but the confused look on his face told me all I need to know. And if you don’t believe me, adopt him and ask him yourself.

3/22/2024 Loki is a VERY picky eater, which makes it harder to do training with him.  Peanut butter is a NO go, most of the training treats are a NO go, except for the Pup-Peroni treats.  And not only is Loki a picky eater, he's also hit or miss with when he wants to eat or even train.  For awhile his training has felt like it stalled out, because consistency is key!

However, I recently found out that Loki is a health nut!  He likes celery, green peppers, and the ultimate training treat for him is provolone cheese!  I just cut it into very small cubes and then training is in session and Loki is full speed ahead!  We are working on his Level 3 Advanced Obedience test, and now that I have figured out his high value treat, we will start working on the Canine Good Citizen Test too!

Loki is doing amazing with his training and learns extremely fast...as long as I have his cheese!

3/15/2024 Loki's training continues daily. Even though he's been here three months now, I still drill his cues every day. The recall cue is one of the most important because I want to make sure that Loki doesn't get into any trouble. Training is all good but one doesn't know how good or bad recall is until it's used in real situations. So being able to call your dog when they're in the middle of play with another dog is vital.

This past week I put Loki's training to the test by having Loki off leash. Booker, the new dog, was on leash. Both dogs had a blast, but more important, Loki would stop play and come to me when given the recall cue.

To take it up a notch, we had Loki and Hazel playing off leash. When I gave Loki the recall cue, he would stop play and come right to me. I'd like to say it's me, but it's really one of the many examples of how Loki is much smarter than me.

Loki is still waiting for his forever home! Free Loki!

3/8/2024 Loki has a new best friend--Booker! Booker lives right next door, so it's really important that Loki and Booker get along.

Loki gave Booker a little time to get acclimated to prison life, then they had a brief encounter--nice and slow because we have nothing but time. . . But, it was quite apparent that the two really took to each other. In fact, I would have to say that Booker is Loki's new favorite--sorry, Sonja!

This is Loki's character, though. He loves all people and all the dogs! Doesn't matter the size, age, male or female, Loki wants to play and then he's good for a nap. . . or two.

Loki is literally the PERFECT dog! So hopefully no one is reading this, and I'll get to keep him for a little longer!

3/1/2024 Just a typical week for Loki. He really likes to attend Bingo on the other side of the housing unit. Bingo is one of the many activities provided to the mental health side of the block. Loki loves to socialize and get people to pet him during Bingo. With 40 to 50 people playing, he takes his time to say hello to everyone. Loki makes sure to stop by each person who has won Bingo because the winners get to pick treats--people treats, not doggie treats. But don't tell that to Loki--he LOVES Slim Jims and Jack Links Beef Jerky because they taste awesomely delicious!

2/16/2024 Loki is such an awesome dog! He had a meet and greet last week with a family that was interested in adopting him, but after the meeting, the HOPE team never heard from them so I guess they decided they didn't want this wonderful boy! So. . . he's still available, which is great for all of you out there looking to adopt an absolutely GREAT dog!

Loki is doing great with everyone and everything! He enjoyed playing in the snow last week, as did all of the dogs here. Heck, even us handlers loved the snow!

2/9/2024 Loki has a new best friend--Sonja. It took them awhile to warm up, but now they love being around each other. If Sonya sees that Loki going outside to the play yard, Sonja makes sure to let her handler know that she wants to go outside too!

Sonja loves to give Loki kisses, and he doesn't seem to mind these PDAs. However, if Loki ignores her, she gives him a little nip at his nose.

Loki and Sonja like to play keep away with toys. If Loki has a toy, Sonja will bark at him until he gives it to her. Then he'll go get another toy, and she'll bark at him until he gives her that one. And this keeps going until Sonja has all of Loki's toys. Then, Loki will start barking at Sonja until she gives him one of the toys, Then he'll do it again, until eventually, all of the toys are back in Loki's possession. Then the process starts all over again. It's hilarious.

I may be a bit biased, but I think that Loki is the favorite of all of the other dogs! And, he's a favorite of a lot of the people here too!

And. . . Loki aced his Level Two Obedience Test!

2/2/2024 Loki starts his mornings by going outside, then comes back in and is the morning greeter. He greets everyone coming in to work and loves to put a smile on everyone's face. There is even a person who never wanted anything to with the dogs here, but this person will pet Loki for a few minutes each morning!

Loki had some interesting experiences this week. First, he was introduced to a vacuum cleaner. While it was running he had his hackles up and was barking, but I was able to calm him and let him know it was okay with treats and some praise for his calmer behavior. He even became comfortable enough to sniff it.

Then, the medical cart pulled into the driveway, and Loki went nuts. Treats to the rescue again! He calmed quickly, then sniffed the cart, and proceeded to ignore it like it had never existed.

Loki is such a great dog--a wonderful combination of energy and chill.

1/26/2024 abc27 came to the prison on Monday to film for a segment they are doing about HOPE. They featured ALL six of the dogs here at the prison, they interviewed one of the handlers, as well as Lynzee our HOPE trainer, and Deputy Superintendant Randy Evans, who has adopted two HOPE dogs.


I might be a bit biased, but Loki did wonderfully in front of the camera. He handled all the commotion and new people in stride.

Loki was a natural in front of the camera and was glad to show off his agility and mad hops. Loki is a star whether the camera is on him or not!

1/12/2024 Loki's week was full of meeting new dogs and experiences. Loki quickly made friends with Bella before she left for her forever home. Loki has also met the rest of the dogs and loves to run the fence with any of them.

We also got about half a foot of snow this past week, which Loki absolutely loved! For hours, we played fetch with a football. I also hid the football in the snow, and Loki would frantically dig to get it out. I also threw some snowballs into the snow, and he was wondering here they went!

Loki is doing great with his training. He has mastered so many commands in the short three weeks he has been here. He is one smart (and super cute) dog!

Stayed tuned for next week to find out if he passed his Level One Obedience Test!

1/05/2024 Loki's second week in the "Big House" has gone really well. He's adjusting great to prison life (better than me)!

He isn't however, very keen on any of the food we have here--can't blame him! I've been playing around with wetting his food to see if that will help. He doesn't like it dry or too wet--he likes it just right! But his pickiness about the food has really worked to my advantage in training him, because he LOVES treats! He has already mastered sit, down, paw, back up, load up, touch, off, side, and other side. He's ready to take his Level 1 Obedience Test--stay tuned to see if he passes!


Loki has proved to be a super chill dog. We were out in the dayroom, where it is VERY noisy, lots of commotion, lots of inmates about. . . what does Loki do? He plops down and goes to sleep! Not bothered one bit by all the noise! He realizes he can chill just about anywhere.

The other night when I was playing Dominoes, Loki jumped on top of the table and laid down to go to sleep! The one caveat is that he'll stick his front paw up in the air. He'll hold it there until I touch his paw and hold it, then he'll lay down and go to sleep. It's so darn cute!

By Lynzee 24 Mar, 2024
By Lynzee 02 Mar, 2024
22 Jun, 2023
Jaida (formerly Potter) joined the HOPE Program on Friday 2/24/2023. She is approximately 7 years old and is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License #3443. Jaida is joining the Program after she and her family worked REALLY hard to help her adjust to a new baby in the house. Unfortunately, she prefers the companionship of older kids (10 years and over) to that of an infant or toddler. Jaida has a HIGH PREY DRIVE and will give chase to small critters, so she shouldn’t live with cats, birds, guinea pigs, etc. The smaller and squeakier, the more interested Jaida gets! She and her family put in a lot of time and work, so she’s already a very well behaved girl. She loves going for walks and hikes, but prefers not to be bombarded by off leash dogs. After all, she’s a well mannered gal and expects her friends to be the same! Jaida is also muzzle trained for trips to the vet and groomers too! If you're interested in adopting Jaida, please review her future home requirements, and if you think your home would suit her needs, click that "Apply to Adopt Jaida" button below! -Jaida NEEDS to be an ONLY PET , as she has a HIGH PREY DRIVE and does like dogs in her face -Jaida will NOT be adopted into a home with kids under the age of 10 -Jaida loves going for walks, so while a fenced yard is great, she'd like a family to take her on hikes and adventures -Jaida would also prefer a calm and quiet home , not one with a lot of guests or busy activities. Jaida is sponsored by CRCPA, Canine Rescue of Central PA and her adoption fee is $350. Dog for adoption - Jaida, a Rottweiler in Dillsburg, PA | Petfinder
22 Jun, 2023
Meet the new kid on the (prison) block–Rocco! Rocco joined HOPE on August 26, 2022. This sweet and adorable boy comes to us from our good friends at Canine Rescue of Central PA . Rocco has not had an easy life. He was left in a southern shelter where he was on the kill list. Thankfully, he was saved in the nick of time by Canine Rescue of Central PA . Several months later, he was adopted for a total of 36 hours and then returned, because he had “too much energy.” He has been at the rescue’s kennel for almost two years, waiting for someone to adopt him. Well. . . Rocco’s luck just changed! He entered the prison this morning all wiggles and wags and so happy to meet everyone. Rocco’s handler is thrilled to have another dog to train, and we think they will make a great team. Stay tuned for updates on this hunk-a-burnin’ love! Rocco’s PetFinder Profile can be found here: Dog for adoption - Rocco, a Pit Bull Terrier in Dillsburg, PA | Petfinder If you're interested in adopting Rocco, please review his future home requirements, and if you think your home would suit his needs, click that "Apply to Adopt Rocco" button below! -Rocco can be quite bossy with other dogs, so multiple meet and greets with your dog(s) would be a requirement before adoption. If you have cats, a meet and greet would be required before adoption too. -Speaking of bossy, Rocco also likes to hear himself bark, and he barks a lot! So if you’re looking for a quiet dog or live in an apartment or townhouse with thin walls, everyone will know that Rocco now lives with you! -Rocco has gained a little bit (a lot) of weight since joining HOPE, so he’s going to need an active family will provide him with LOTS of activity and continue to monitor his weight. -Rocco is also on a special prescription diet due to his sensitive digestive system. He doesn’t like to admit that he’s sensitive, but this is something to take into consideration, as a prescription diet can be expensive (roughly $100/month just for his food). Rocco is sponsored by CRCPA, Canine Rescue of Central PA, and his adoption fee is $350. Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License #3443.
22 Jun, 2023
Meet Hazel! Hazel is approximately 2 year old, and is thought to be a German Shepherd mix girl. Her coat is a gorgeous caramel brindle and so very soft. Miss Hazel joined HOPE on 11/04/2022 and we are looking forward to learning more about her as she progresses with her training. Hazel spent about a year with Canine Rescue of Central PA . She did not spark a lot of interest from potential adopters, but the volunteers at the rescue just love her! She is an active girl who loves going for walks, playing with toys, especially her purple egg, which as you can see she likes taking everywhere, and pretty much any activity that involves being outside! If you’re an active family looking for a furry family member, Hazel might be your girl! Hazel’s PetFinder Profile can be found here: Dog for adoption - Hazel, a Pit Bull Terrier Mix in Dillsburg, PA | Petfinder If you're interested in adopting Hazel, please review her future home requirements, and if you think your home would suit her needs, click that "Apply to Adopt Hazel" button below! -Hazel NEEDS to be an only pet, and therefore will NOT be adopted into a home with another dog, cat, or other small animals. -Hazel is a HIGH ENERGY dog, and plays VERY HARD. This is something we’ve worked on during her time in HOPE, and while her possessive behavior with toys has improved, we would not be comfortable adopting Hazel into a home with young kids. -Hazel would love if her family got her enrolled in some sort of dog sport, like agility. She needs an active family that will provide her with daily exercise, beyond a walk around the block. This girl would LOVE hiking and climbing rough terrain with you! Hazel is sponsored by CRCPA, Canine Rescue of Central PA, and her adoption fee is $350. Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License #3443.
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